StarFab CEO Amanda Liu Invited for Contribution to the First Issue of ASDVA Magazine
StarFab CEO Amanda Liu was invited to contribute to the first issue of the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASDVA) magazine, and through her article “Seizing the global IoT market opportunity through promoting engagement and collaboration between large Taiwanese enterprises and startups” called for integration of resources and innovation, technology and domain know-how, and software services with hardware products between corporate and startups.
Connect & Collaborate has always been StarFab’s motto, and what we strive to promote and achieve. We believe that “Integration” is the key to upgrading Taiwanese industries and seizing the mass number of business opportunities IoT has to offer, which is only possible through fostering connections and collaborations between corporates and startups. We hope ASDVA will be able to encourage the startup ecosystem in Taiwan by bringing the spirit of Silicon Valley to Taiwan: a desire to solve the big problems, and a willingness to accept failure in order to foster a culture of innovation.